Transgender Resources
Trans Lifeline is “dedicated to the well being of trangender people” and runs a suicide “hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.” The phone numbers are 1-877-565-8860 (United States) and 1-877-330-6366 (Canada).
Waco Trans Group meets on the first and third Saturday of each month at Central Texas Metropolitan Community Church (1601 Clay Ave.) from 6PM until 8PM. Both transgender and cisgender allies are welcome. Check out its Facebook group at for virtual connection. For more information, email
Education and Advocacy
Transgender Education Network of Texas ( The Transgender Education Network of Texas is an organization dedicated to furthering the education of gender diversity in the State of Texas. It works to accomplish this through education and networking in both public and private forums. Through its efforts, they strive to halt discrimination through social, legal, legislative and corporate education.
ID Document Changes
The information on these pages aim to provide the most up-to-date and helpful information to the transgender community as it relates to identification documentation changes, to include Gender Marker changes. Types of identification that a transgender person may need to change can include Social Security, state drivers license, passport, birth certificate, credit card and loans, previous employers (if desired for potential job history checks), current and or former schools, and insurance.
Someone who has gone through the process of changing her legal name and sex/gender marker has generously provided the instructions and application form, along with a form to fill out if you cannot afford the fee. It can be found at
Local & Non-Local Healthcare and Counseling
Judy K. Shofner, LPC
6600 Sanger Ave #8, Waco, TX 76710
Nurturing Connections Counseling
2121 Waco Dr
LPC Central Texas Psychotherapy
Rod Hetzel, PhD
215 South Second Street, Suite 303, Waco, TX 76701
Sean Taylor Seyer, MA, LPC
Sean Seyer is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas and also a transgender male. He works with clients who identify as trans on their journey. He is currently available for online video sessions, which are helpful for clients who have trouble with transportation, scheduling, or live in an area where privacy is paramount. He also offers a sliding scale to reduce barriers to care.
Central Family Practice
801 W. 34th St., Suite 102, Austin, TX 78705
Kate Wanstrom, FMP; Elliot Trester, MD; Connie Ryan, RN, WHNP
Very TG friendly and discreet, Central Family Practice welcomes you. Kate Wanstrom, FNP, provides hormone therapy and is very respectful. The practice has other services: acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, nutritional consultation, and confidential STD screening. Connie Ryan, the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, specializes in women’s health. Dr. Trester can see patients with general medical needs.
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) promotes “evidence based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy, and respect in transgender health.” On their site, you will find guidelines for ethical practices for professionals as well as international standards of care for individuals with gender identity disorders. There are many resources on this site
University of California, San Francisco’s Center of Excellence for Transgender Health works to “improve the overall health and well-being of transgender individuals by developing and implementing programs in response to community-identified needs.”
Trans+ Therapy Library The library contains 52 self-led mental health programmes that address the most pressing issues for the trans+ community. Whether you’re managing the emotional toll of waiting for gender-affirming care, or building resilience against transphobia, there is something designed to help you.
Media Resources
Resources for Gender Identity and Autism an educational guide covering Autism and Gender Identity. This free resource highlights research about gender identity, dysphoria & diversity in neurodivergent individuals as well as information on support groups for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Identity Diversity.
Trans News “is designed to be an uplifting part of your day, where you can discover and share breaking news from around the web that celebrates the lives and achievements of transsexual, transgender, and gender variant people. Trans News is an important reminder that despite the negative news we’re so often bombarded with, there are a lot of really good, inspirational stories to be heard!”
Asterisk Trans* Conference is a college conference focused on building “community for trans* people and allies,” addressing “trans* health and well-being,” and providing education and resources for trans* youth advocates.”
Legal Services
Lambda Legal ( Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund “is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender peopl through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts.”
Transgender Law Center “works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.”
Financial Aid for Gender-Confirming Surgery
Jim Collins Foundation ( raises money to fund gender-confirming surgery for those transgender people who need surgery to live a healthy life, but have no ability to pay for it themselves.
Money Geek ( financing and support for gender-confirming surgery.
Gender-Confirming Services
Laser and Electrolysis Studio, Inc. ( has a long history of not just “tolerating” LGBT clients, but WANTING and CATERING to their needs. They are a physician-supervised hair removal center based in Austin, TX. They have over 35 years experience in the hair removal industry.
1513 W. Koenig Lane
Austin, TX 78756
Mary Kay Cosmetics ( I am a consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I have 35 years of experience with Mary Kay and I have worked with TG CD in the past. I love the opportunity teach someone something that makes them smile when they look in the mirror. I have a private studio in my home for individual appointments and can also cater a private event for a group. My fees are very reasonable and include a color cosmetic set to take home.
Lisa Walling
Austin, TX 78756
(Available on YouTube unless otherwise noted)
- “A Transgender Man’s Path to Freedom” – presented by Seeker Stories
- “Becoming Me” – presented by In the Life Media
- “Beyond the Gender Binary” – a TED Talk by Yee Won Chong
- “Beyond the Gender Binary: Understanding Transgender Youth” – a TED Talk by Dr. Margaret Nichols
- “Doctors Speak Out for Trans Youth” – Human Rights Campaign
- “Equality Utah: A Mormon Mom’s Story of Unconditional Love for Her Transgender Son” – presented by Equality Utah
- “Fifty Shades of Gay” – a TED Talk by iO Tillet Wright
- “Home” – an original song by the theatriQ Youth Ensemble, presented by by Dreams of Hope
- “How I Help Transgender Teens Become Who they Want to Be” – a TED Talk by Norman Spack
- “I Am Transgender” – a TED Talk by Rev. Allyson Robinson
- “Just Call me Kade” – presented by Frameline
- “Media Bias: Trans Youth” – presented by In the Life Media
- “My True Gender Identity” – a TED Talk by Nicklaus Fluetsch
- “New Medical Treatments for Transgender Adolescents” – a TED Talk by Norman Spack
- “Out Youth: A Safe Place to Be Yourself” – presented by Out Youth
- “The Real Pain and Tragedy Faced by Transgender Youth” – a TED Talk by Daniella Carter
- “Trans Love in the Black Community: Living Color” – presented by NBC News
- “Trans Youth Advocate Jazz Jennings: ‘I Am Saving Lives’” – presented by MSNBC
- “Trans Women of Color Collective: Shifting the Narrative” – presented by Lourdes Hunter
- “Transgender Women of Color Share Their Stories” – presented by sampson247
- “Transgender Youth Bust Myths!!” – presented by MyGeneration
- “Transmen Documentary, Parts 1-4” – presented by Tiffany Gibson
- “Unheard Voices of Transgender Youth” – presented by arts4justice
- “Voices of Transgender Adolescents in Healthcare” – presented by University of Michigan Health System’s Adolescent Health Initiative
- “Watch Kids Share Eloquent, Empathetic Reactions to Caitlyn Jenner” – presented by Time (
- “Why I Must Come Out” – a TED Talk by Geena Rocero
- “Why is Gender Identity So Important?” – a TED Talk by Rikki Arundel
“Transgender and Christian Project.” The Transgender and Christian project is an attempt to help trans Christians find hope at the intersection of their identity and their faith through the study of biblical texts, and through life-giving conversation.
Books on Spirituality, Faith, and Religion
(Resources from appendix in “Transgender: Children and Youth: Cultivating Pride and Joy with Families in Transition” by Elijah C. Nealy, PhD, MDiv, LCSW)
- Beardsley, C., & O’Brien, M. (eds.) (2017). This is my body: Hearing the theology of transgender Christians. London: Darton, Longman, and Todd Ltd.
- Dzmura, N. (ed.) (2010). Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish community. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
- Hertzer, L. (2016). The Bible and the transgender experience: How scripture supports gender variance. The Pilgrim Press.
- Hornsby, T., & Guest, D. (2016). Transgender, intersex, and Biblical interpretation. Atlanta: SBL Press.
- Kundtz, D. L., & Schlager, B. S. (2007). Ministry among God’s queer folk: LGBT pastoral care. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Ladin, J. (2012). Through the door of life: A Jewish journey between genders. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
- Mollenkott, V. (2001). Omnigender: A Trans-religious approach. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Mollenkott, V., & Sheridan, V. (2003). Transgender journeys. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Sheridan, V. (2001). Crossing over: Liberating the transgendered Christian. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Siraj al-Haqq Kugle, S. (2013). Living out Islam: Voices of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. New York, NY: NYU Press.
- Tanis, J.E. (2003). Trans-gendered: Theology, ministry, and communities of faith. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Tigert, L. M., & Tirabassi, M. C. (2004). Transgendering faith: Identity, sexuality, and spirituality. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press.
- Zeveloff, N. (Ed.). (2014) Transgender and Jewish. New York, NY: Forward Association.
General Reading
(Resources from appendix in “Transgender: Children and Youth: Cultivating Pride and Joy with Families in Transition” by Elijah C. Nealy, PhD, MDiv, LCSW)
- Boylan, J.F. (2003). She’s not there: A life in two genders. New York, NY: Broadway Books.
- Brown, M. & Ramsey, C. (1996). True selves: Understanding transexualism – for families, friends, coworkers, and helping professionals. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
- Erickson-Schroth, L. (2014). Trans bodies, trans selves: A resource for the transgender community. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Green, J. (2004). Becoming a visible man. Nashville, TN Vanderbilt University Press.
- Herman, Joanne. (2009). Transgender explained for those who are not. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
- King, N. (2014). Queer & trans artists of color: Stories of some of our lives. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Malpas, J. (2016). The transgender journey: What role should therapists play? The Psychotherapy Networker, April/May.
- McBee, T. P. (2014). Man alive: A true story of violence, forgiveness, and becoming a man. San Francisco, CA: City Lights Publishers.
- Mock, J. (2014). Redefining realness: My path to womanhood, identity, love & so much more. New York, NY Atria Books.
- Coyote, I. & Spoon, R. (2014). Gender failure. Vancouver, BC: Arsenal Pulp Press.